Non-Profit Organizations
Make-A-Wish Arizona is the founding chapter of international non-profit Make-A-Wish and was established in 1980.The mission of Make-A-Wish Arizona is simple: Together, we create life-changing Wishes for children with critical illnesses. Our vision--grant the Wish of every eligible child in Arizona. In our 43-year history, Make-A-Wish Arizona has granted more than 7,500 wishes for children in Arizona. Make-A-Wish AZ will grant 420+ wishes in the 2023 fiscal year (September 1, 2022-August 31, 2023). Currently, there are more than 500 wish kids eligible for future wishes. The average cost of a wish is approximately $10,000 so each dollar collected helps us toward the vision of granting the wish of every eligible child. MAWAZ receives no government funding or contracts. We charge no fees for our services to our Wish Kids.